Donating PC

Donating Refurbished Computers To Local Schools

During February 2016, Moore IT donated 10 refurbished computers to various local schools, in conjunction with Whitehorse Training in Bath.

St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School in Bath, were delighted with their free computers. Pictured above are Tom Cannon and Dan Padfield of Moore IT, presenting Sue East and James Elliott of St Andrews Primary School with a PC for the office.

Sue East, head teacher was extremely pleased to receive the computers, which Moore IT obtained, wiped and reloaded Windows 7 Professional completely free of charge.

Moore IT are able to offer this service when businesses are upgrading computers and the grade-A refurbished stock becomes available to them. This is a perfect way to recycle unwanted technology and find organisations that might be currently using older computers and technology than the refurbished stock.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to be part of this exciting ongoing opportunity to recycle technology.